
a website that summarizes and analyzes books for lazy students who really dont want to do it themselves
dude, i really dont understand this book at all.
shmoop it.
by kdepasquo137 July 18, 2013
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an adjective used to describe something gross and foul and bad
by shmoopypants April 19, 2022
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term of endearment or pet name between annoying lovers who constantly PDA
does shmoopie want tuna-woonie?
aww. shmoopie.
by shmooperkins rodriguez May 29, 2003
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to lay around, snuggle, and/or be a waste of life...and love every minute of it.
hey Lan, it's 11:30-get off facebook so we can shmoop and watch sex and the city!
by Allie6104 May 22, 2006
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when u want a relationship but don't want a relationship unless it's the perfect person; like a soulmate or forever one. also can be used as a noun for ur soulmate
"i feel like shmoop"

"i rlly just wanna find a shmoop"
by d21littleskater February 20, 2021
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a sexual act that usually breaks all the bones in one's body, killing them in the process
Man I really want to shmoop that little twink's asshole
by sausagelover069 May 19, 2017
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What one says instead of cursing when frustrated
by RAM December 20, 2002
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