Getting so Drunk that you forget most of what you did the last time you got drunk, and had shit for brains. hence Shit Brained"
"boy i got shit brained, i didnt know what the hell i was doing, i think i had sex with a postbox"
by the Real B-Man April 11, 2010
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Used in a comical way, someone who his not only dumb, but a faggot
Bob "Like my sexy Mac Book Air"

Eddie "Lol that makes you a shit-brain-cock-master
by f.u.k April 29, 2009
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An idiot; one who seems to have shit instead of brains, thus severely limiting their thought capacity.
Hey shit-for-brains, you fucked up again didn't you?
by progamer124 January 19, 2003
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Stupidity; idiocy; etc. A person who has "shit for brains" behaves stupidly. "Shit for brains" refers to brainlessness.
Gee, Jim, you are one stupid ass; you must have shit for brains!
by RC59 September 4, 2013
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A phrase used to express how excited or mind-blown or confused you are feeling.
Snooter: Oh my GAWD!! That Inception movie was sooooo good.
Smitty: OMG, I had to watch it three times... I shit a brain the first time.

Snooter: Oh my GAWD!! That movie Memento was sooooo crazy.
Smitty: OMG, I had to watch it six times... I shit a brain the first five times.

Snooter: Oh my GAWD!! That movie Requiem for a Dream was sooooo intense.
Smitty: Uh... I actually had a seizure during that one. I shit my pants.
Snooter: For reals? Oh... my... gawd.
Smitty: yeah... flopped around for... well... through the rest of the movie, actually. My cat just watched me... he didn't call 911 or help out... so... I missed most of that movie. Not a big fan...
by PDXJohnny99 April 29, 2013
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1. Stupid. Careless.

2. A person evincing these characteristics.
1. "What a shit for brains thing to do."

2. "That shit for brains Bob left the oven on when he left for Jamaica."
by Famous Mortimer January 24, 2003
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