4 definitions by Famous Mortimer


1. The scrotum.
by Famous Mortimer January 24, 2003
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crap for brains

1. Stupid. Careless.

2. A person evincing these characteristics.

A milder version of shit for brains.
1. "What a crap for brains thing to do."

2. "That crap for brains Bob left the oven on when he left for Jamaica."
by Famous Mortimer January 24, 2003
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shit for brains

1. Stupid. Careless.

2. A person evincing these characteristics.
1. "What a shit for brains thing to do."

2. "That shit for brains Bob left the oven on when he left for Jamaica."
by Famous Mortimer January 24, 2003
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1. A variation of bitch. Connotation of 1990s street slang, esp. African-American.
"That beeyatch is late with the rent."
by Famous Mortimer January 24, 2003
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