1. To be extremely surprised and displeased about something.
2. Something you do while waiting very anxiously for something.
3. An exclamation of displeasure.
2. Something you do while waiting very anxiously for something.
3. An exclamation of displeasure.
1. Man, he's gonna shit a brick when he finds out you wrecked his car!
2. ...so we're sittin' there shittin' bricks waiting to see if the cop is going to give us a ticket!
2. Shit a brick! We've got a test in Calculus tomorrow!
2. ...so we're sittin' there shittin' bricks waiting to see if the cop is going to give us a ticket!
2. Shit a brick! We've got a test in Calculus tomorrow!
by maracanda April 4, 2006
by Said February 5, 2003
Term used to describe a situation where someone became so overcome with a feeling that they not only lost control of their bowels, they did so on a magnificant scale and let a square unit drop down. See brick it.
by Gumba Gumba February 27, 2004
You did what?! Shit a Brick, mate.
by toona November 6, 2003
Guy 1: Oh my God, who put A BRICK in the toilet?
Guy 2: Oh that was me... I had a bit of trouble getting it in there...
Guy 2: Oh that was me... I had a bit of trouble getting it in there...
by loz July 1, 2003
When you poop a turd thats so heavy when it hits the toilet water spashes back on your booty. Nobody usually tells others when this has happen...especially females!
Can also mean an abnormally large turd. The kind that you make ugly faces trying to get it out...This usually happens when you've been constipated for a few days.
Can also mean an abnormally large turd. The kind that you make ugly faces trying to get it out...This usually happens when you've been constipated for a few days.
by kristyrose2727 May 7, 2007
by Jamie&Ashley February 14, 2003