6 definitions by Jamie&Ashley

Nickname for someone as stupid as a rather large & hard piece of shit.
Jesus christ girl, u r so retarded u fuckin shitbrick.
by Jamie&Ashley February 14, 2003
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When you gotta shit really bad but it wont come out because its one huge slid mass.
God damn! I gotta shit a brick like i just ate a block of velveeta!
by Jamie&Ashley February 14, 2003
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Something you say when a really fat bitch walks by.
by Jamie&Ashley February 11, 2003
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A queef that's sloppy like beef gravy.
She let our a juicy beef queef.
by Jamie&Ashley February 11, 2003
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Another name for the disease vaginosis, which is caused by a woman wiping backwards.
Whats the fuck? Smells like someone in the room got a bad case of poopcooch.
by Jamie&Ashley February 14, 2003
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