In literature and entertainment, a sequel is a story that follows an introductory story.
See also prequel
See also prequel
by Downstrike May 22, 2004
Something of inferior quality. An utterance of absolute disgust.
A word that owes its second meaning to the long list of low budget, waste of space sequels to box office smashes in which none of the original actors appear, the story line is either non-existent or piss-weak, and the only way that the 12 year old mentally challenged director can salvage this trainwreck is through gratuitious use of full frontal nudity that would horrify even the most seasoned SBS World Movies connoisseur.
A word that owes its second meaning to the long list of low budget, waste of space sequels to box office smashes in which none of the original actors appear, the story line is either non-existent or piss-weak, and the only way that the 12 year old mentally challenged director can salvage this trainwreck is through gratuitious use of full frontal nudity that would horrify even the most seasoned SBS World Movies connoisseur.
by Ra Toucher October 19, 2007
The shits that you get from taco bell when you think you're done but five to ten minutes after you've already wiped, flushed and vacated the bathroom they hit you like a brick wall and force you to pull over the car at a near by trucker stop.
Man 1: I feel so much better after letting that out
Man 2: yeah i bet you were in there for a while
- five to ten minutes later in the car-
man 1: stop the car! I'm having a sequel.
Man 2: yeah i bet you were in there for a while
- five to ten minutes later in the car-
man 1: stop the car! I'm having a sequel.
by asshatlover July 21, 2010
by Chiefbigcanoe January 29, 2005
Sequel is a hacker that sprung up in early 2013. He immediately went after popular hackers including members of Clan Vv3, KY Anonymous, and much more. He specializes in going after "skids".
Me: Did you hear what Sequel did to Dictate?
Person: Yeah he dropped his dox and harassed him.
Me: I know, what a bad ass.
Person: Yeah he dropped his dox and harassed him.
Me: I know, what a bad ass.
by aaronmaxcy July 2, 2013
The condition that many sequels to successful films suffer from: re-hashing of plot points, shoving the best parts of the original back in your face until you almost hate it, ETC, all while trying to make the movie "bigger and better" than the original through the addition of an over-abundance of special effects, or new characters that you just dont care about (or, on some occasions, omitting major characters that people DID care about). Sequelitis can make one of 2 things happen: the third film will back off and be much better than the second, or part 2 will have been so awful that a 3rd never even gets made.
I dont remember there being a "Men in Black 2" until I saw it the other day, and now I remember why I forgot it to begin with. "Lets take a small joke and turn it into a main character!" Totally suffers from sequelitis.
by zeromus255 March 15, 2012
Wendy: Have you read the Old Testament?
Jimmy: Nah, but I did read The Sequel which was mildly entertaining...
Jimmy: Nah, but I did read The Sequel which was mildly entertaining...
by Etan Ilfeld November 7, 2008