
Formally known as the Theory of Special Relativity, formulated by Albert Einstein in 1905.

Deals with the perception of time and distance by observers in different frames of reference which are moving with respect to each other. An observer in one frame perceives that time is slower and distances are shorter in a different frame.

Also postulates that the speed of light is perceived to be the same in every frame of reference, and that no form of matter or energy can travel faster than light.
Relativity is the feeling that time slows down that you get when you're around your relatives.
by Loadmaster July 29, 2005
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The phenomenon in which extreme environmental factors (especially speed greater than the speed of light) change our perceptions of the same objective amount of time.
"Put your hand on a hot stove for two seconds and it seems like two hours. Sit with a beautiful girl for two hours and it seems like two minutes. That's relativity." - Albert Einstein

"When a girl says she needs two minutes to get ready, that's the same thing as when a guy says there's two minutes left in the football game. That's relativity." - Johnny Damon
by Joe Shizzle April 12, 2005
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Being dependent or intertwined with another event or object that is just as dependant as the other.

Cause and effect.
I punch you in the face, you'll punch back, right?


Your hitting me back is reative to me hitting you in the face.


A Bank owner is very hard on a Farming family. The family is forced out of their house and loose everything, living in poverty. The Banker prospers with their loss. (1)

For 20 years, the family lives in poverty, barely surviving. Eventualy, one of the family members is forced to rob a bank to survive. The bank that is robbed happens to be the same bank which forced thim into poverty. (2)

The Banker looses everything from the robbery. He resorts to drugs (3) and one day, in a drug impared state, he decides to go and buy more drugs. He has a car accident. (4)

From the car accident, he is paralyzed from the neck down and cannot speak for the rest of his life. (5)

1. The Banker's prosperity is relative to the families suffering.

2. The bank robbery is relative to the Banker's being hard on the family.

3. The drugs are relative to the bank robbery.

4. The car accident is relative to the drugs.

5. the paralysis is relative to the car accidsent

In conclusion, the man's paralysis is relative to his being hard on the family, he bought it upon himself.
by Rob January 19, 2004
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People who are related to you, whether you like it or not.
I hate most of my dad's relatives. they're so mean to me.
by Anonymous June 18, 2003
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A friend, buddy, pal, comrade, mate, etc…; an abbreviation of the word relative; originally used in mockery of terms like cuz or bro
*Between roommates*

Eduardo- (Enters room) How’s it going man?

Scott- Oh, hey. ‘Sup rel?
by cyc1ops May 7, 2008
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People whose exsistance you tend to deny in a social gathering.
"Are those your relatives?"
by trip June 25, 2003
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hairy , old people who smell and try to kiss you when ever they come in town. and your parents force u to be nice to tehm and let their gross asses sleep in your bed
by fat in the bacc June 28, 2003
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