
to rave, the act of wild, out of control dancing to loud electric/techno music along with lots of strobe lights and flashers
I came home exhausted at 5 AM after a long night of raving.
by sean-o June 2, 2005
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If a situation is unfair or harsh it may be refered to as 'Raving'
*someone steals guys food*
"thats raving man"
by tom13445 November 13, 2007
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to rave, the art of waving glow sticks and blowing whistles. Not to be confused with raging, or to rage.
I was raving at that party last night...
by coco chenille March 17, 2006
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1) n. any gathering of people centered around listening to and dancing to electronic music, as played by a set of live djs. Originated in 1989 in the UK as underground, often illegal gatherings in abandoned warehouses. Often characterized by the positive, psychedelic atmosphere, influnced often (but not always) by drugs and casual sex.

2) v. to dance in a style characteristic of dancers at raves, synonymous with fluid, liquid
1) There is this awesome rave tomorrow night in a warehouse downtown; all these famous djs will be playing

2) Some clubbers don't like it when I rave to hip-hop music ;-)
by hyperexcel June 18, 2003
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n. An organized underground party involving music and dancing. Raves typically involve one or more DJs playing electronic dance music such as techno, trance, breakbeat, jungle, and ambient. Usually starting after dusk and lasting through 'til dawn, drug use at raves often runs rampant; particularly the use of Ecstasy and LSD. Raves can vary greatly in size and scope, hosting from dozens to thousands of guests, and lasting from one night to a few days. Classically, ravers have maintained a strong community spirit and have promoted an ideal called PLUR, an acronym for Peace, Love, Unity and Respect. These values have unfortunately faded somewhat since the onset of a newer generation of ravers unfamiliar with these concepts so elemental to the original scene.
Guys, we went to a rave last night, right? Cause, I'm not sure WHAT we did there, but I don't remember a thing.
by callinghome November 2, 2004
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1. to applaud a enthusiastically

2. a very enthusiastic description, review, etc

3. an underground party, especially involving illegal drugs
The movie has been given quite a rave.
by The Return of Light Joker February 10, 2012
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a rave is a realistic game of pacman.
dude lets check out a rave, and munch on magic pills in darkened rooms.
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