31 definitions by callinghome

Hydro-ponically grown marijuana.
Geez, that was some good aquatic. Let's go smoke some more, if haven't passed out quite yet.
by callinghome November 2, 2004
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"I just smoked a bulb and I'm so amped!"
by callinghome November 2, 2004
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1. n. Slang. CoricidinTM, an OTC cough remedy containing Dextromethorphan (DXM), and often (foolishly) used recreationally for this reason. CAUTION: Read warning below!
2. v. Slang. Using CoricidinTM recreationally to get high from the DXM it containsIMPORTANT NOTE: While Coricidin does contain DXM, it also contains antihistimines which can be extremely dangerous when taken in larger-than-normal quantities. There are much safer ways to take DXM than through Coricidin and we highly recommend you altogether avoid Coricidin for recreational use..
1. "hey, pass that bottle of 'cidin..I...uhh....got a cold."
2.: "We're gonna be 'cidin tonight. Want to join us?"
by callinghome November 2, 2004
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v. To be under the influence of both LSD and Ecstasy;
This word is made from tripping and rolling.

See candyflipping
"It was great trolling with you last night."
by callinghome November 2, 2004
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v. A term meaning that all parties partaking in a smoke-out donate equal parts of their own weed, if they have any. For instance, if G-Dogg and HomeFry are matching bowls, then for every bowl of G-Dogg's weed that they smoke, HomeFry will pack and share a bowl of his own.
"Let's go smoke. I'll match bowls with you."
by callinghome November 2, 2004
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n. The unsmokable leftovers from screening marijuana before sale, or the stuff at the bottom of the bag after purchase.
Dude, take out the twigs and seed, it'll rip the zig zag.
by callinghome November 2, 2004
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n. An Indian and Middle Eastern smoking mixture consisting of pollen from marijuana flowers and ghee, an oily butter. In medieval Arabia it also referred to a datura-based knockout potion.*
Shit, that was some good bhang!
by callinghome November 2, 2004
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