n. A loud middle-aged or elderly man usually found in pubs, betting shops, municipal golf courses, flea markets and bus rallies throughout the UK. The word 'putter' in this sense has origins in 'punter' and of course an old putter will 'putt around' - invariably getting in everone's way in the process.
Putters usually follow a traditional dress: Cap or trilby hat, golf attire, blazers, flasher-macs and unfashionable spectacles. They are very traditional in their views and despite their generally working class origins, they will vote Conservative.
Putters love to whistle- loudly. A putter's whistle is often tuneless and full of sentimental vibrato - usually some unmusical version of a wartime number.
Putters can be grumpy and very impatient with young people.
Putters love to whistle- loudly. A putter's whistle is often tuneless and full of sentimental vibrato - usually some unmusical version of a wartime number.
Putters can be grumpy and very impatient with young people.
by DanEvans April 5, 2010
by funkylovebunny69 November 7, 2010
(n.) and (v.)a rather viscous sample of fecal matter, in close resemblance to butter. Also used to "soften" the meaning of "shit"
"the dog left behind a perfectly formed putter in the yard next door"
"She puttered right then and there; man-o-man was she embarassed"
"She puttered right then and there; man-o-man was she embarassed"
by Yelle-na April 27, 2009
red hair step child with an obesicity problem who although he likes you, will not hesitate to blast you in the face.
by NAAACKK February 8, 2005
why is bob allways puttering around
by lilpete May 4, 2007
by mike March 27, 2003
by Jenksy Cat February 6, 2005