A person suffering from the Monkeypox virus
Three weeks after I dated that pox monkey I had rash all over my bum.
by beast82nl May 20, 2022
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An evil disease that was delivered to mankind via the gopher, who are slaves to their evil monkey masters.
George showed up at my front door with a package. He was itching himself(a symptom of monkey pox) so I killed him and blew up the package.
by Fowzilla November 25, 2003
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The monkeypox virus is an orthopoxvirus that causes mpox (monkeypox), a disease with symptoms similar to smallpox, although less severe. Key facts

Vaccines used during the smallpox eradication programme also provided protection against monkeypox. Newer vaccines have been developed of which one has been approved for prevention of monkeypox
Monkeypox is caused by monkeypox virus, a member of the Orthopoxvirus genus in the family Poxviridae.
Monkeypox is usually a self-limited disease with the symptoms lasting from 2 to 4 weeks. Severe cases can occur. In recent times, the case fatality ratio has been around 3–6%.
Monkeypox is transmitted to humans through close contact with an infected person or animal, or with material contaminated with the virus.
Monkeypox virus is transmitted from one person to another by close contact with lesions, body fluids, respiratory droplets and contaminated materials such as bedding.
Monkeypox is a viral zoonotic disease that occurs primarily in tropical rainforest areas of central and west Africa and is occasionally exported to other regions.
An antiviral agent developed for the treatment of smallpox has also been licensed for the treatment of monkeypox.

At this time, data suggest that gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men make up the majority of cases in the current mpox outbreak.
Monkey pox
Yet they help the pride parade last year with out a shit givin to your health
It is shocking that we saw a aids 2.0 and the people behind the pride parades did not want to cancel because they knew that if they did then pride parades would stop especially the fact that the 2021 was the "you can't cancel pride" and if it did the following year

it would break the sprit of every crazed 'look at me' queers

while leaving the sanes ones finally be accepted in society

because new flash the parades are pushing people futher in the closet
by Facts hurt thy March 19, 2023
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A very contagious disease which makes the victim weak, bed-ridden and nearly unable to speak.
I'm sorry Mr. Jimmy Rebel sir, Mr. Uncle Ruckus, he caught the Nigerian Monkey Pox
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An illness brought on by watching Northern football teams ( especially Liverpool ) dominate English football.

Particularly affected are those following Chelsea.
“Not sure I’ll be watching the City-Liverpool match tonight especially with those t***s Carra and Neville droning on…..my last bout of Northern Monkey Pox laid me low for weeks.
by MPL1969 May 23, 2022
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Monkey Pox is a disease and the only cure is sending an arch pic to the opposite sex of someone ur age
“Olivia u have monkey pox you need to send an arch pic
by Dr. Applecott August 9, 2022
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