37 definitions by bert2

fake versions of popular shoes mostly jordans and air force ones usually sales on the internet and flea markets
those variant jordans i broght of the internet were jacked up one shoe was bigger than the other and the colors were off
by bert2 June 19, 2005
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another word used in place of saying forty five, a colt 45 gun.
man i got in the club with the four fifths, let some shit pop off iam ready.
by bert2 June 30, 2005
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hood term, for the big guns, ak's, mac's and tec's
leroy went through the back door of the club for a half of stack so he could bring in the llama.
by bert2 September 15, 2005
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pronounced eye tus, a conditions that effects many black males, and some whites usually happens after one eats a big meal, a condition of laziness sets in. Productivity is at a all time low. sleepiness sets in right after.
After eating thanksgiving dinner, dat i-tus set in on leroy, he sat on the couch and fell right to sleep.
by bert2 April 16, 2006
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refers to a woman with a big ass, when a woman is walking towards you and you can see that she has a big ass from the frontal view.
See red over der her ass is so big you can see it from da front.
by bert2 October 7, 2005
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a afro american guy who acts like a true redneck mostly found in middle ga. fishes, hunt, and even wears confederate flag clothing and hats
we called him jb the black redneck because he dips snuff and hunts all the time.
by bert2 June 19, 2005
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