4 definitions by Regulus Pistor

old spelling of sneeze. The initial f was confused with a funny long-s (ſ). People then thought the word was really ſneeze. The fact that the word was confused with neeze didn't help either.
Don't fneeze on me, mister.

The Jatravartid people of Viltvodle VI believe that the entire Universe was in fact fneezed out of the nose of a being known as the Great Green Arkleseizure.
source modified from Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy.

Why does pepper always make me fneeze?

Why should we bless people who fneeze?
by Regulus Pistor February 14, 2014
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slang word, in the Appalachias for a coke, soft-drink, pop, or other fizzy beverage
When I was a kid, I used to drink dopes of all sorts: Kneehigh, Pepsi-Cola, Royal Crown cola.... That was dope.
by Regulus Pistor January 25, 2014
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1. A place, sweet spot, or any patch of land.
2. A country
3. to hail from or originate in
4. a sharp, precise point of either land-spot or blade tip
directly from middle English (ord) first ednewed on the Anglish moot by English purists editors

Wiktionary claims dialectial modern usage lingers on in some parts of England.
From ye olde Anglish moot:

No one knows the ord of the name London given by the Romefolk (Romans), who in the year 43 named the ord Londinium.

The building of the Olympic ord has inflowed newbuilding in Eastlondon.

Food-Strings (spaghetti) ord from Midrike (China).

Tertiary (third-hand borowing) source wiktionary useage examples:

"Saul drew his sword, And ran even upon the ord. — Cursor Mundi."

"And touched him with the spear's ord. — Romance of Sir Otuel."
by Regulus Pistor January 16, 2014
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a bag or sack of sorts holding mistly goods.

The term is oft' used in Appalachian English in between-local-folk settings.
I got a poke of candy down at the corner store

You put the cat in the poke.

When I was a kid, I used to walk twenty miles to the store to bring a poke of flaer home.
by Regulus Pistor January 25, 2014
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