capable of perceiving or observing. when you are able to receive outside sensory information. You can take in information or observe something by watching something or by hearing or by smelling or by feeling some touch.
Katie: Joe asked me out for a date.
Laura: Oh, is that what he said in the note he passed to you in class?
Katie: That is very perceptive of you.
Laura: Oh, is that what he said in the note he passed to you in class?
Katie: That is very perceptive of you.
by Dimple Dempsey November 28, 2010
While our sensory receptors are constantly collecting information from the environment, it is ultimately how we interpret that information that affects how we interact with the world. Perception refers to the way sensory information is organized, interpreted, and consciously experienced. Perception involves both bottom-up and top-down processing. Bottom-up processing refers to the fact that perceptions are built from sensory input. On the other hand, how we interpret those sensations is influenced by our available knowledge, our experiences, and our thoughts. This is called top-down processing.
by mennäperille December 18, 2019
Perception may be thought of as the orientation of your internal state of mind.
The common theory of perception is based on the philosophy that there is an external world that is real to which we react - however that is an Aristotlean (look him up you stupid lazy kids) dictatorship which is imposed on the masses who reside inside the educational system and have come wired up to it like humans wired up to the matrix.
In reality, considering the state of perception it is perfectly possible to perceive virtually anything, and believe any construct or effect that arises from the actions which inevitably arise as consequences of those perceptions.
In other words: what you believe, you become.
It goes ever deeper than this, but you really do have to take the initiative and step outside of the box of your conventional thinking if you want to experience it for yourself.
The common theory of perception is based on the philosophy that there is an external world that is real to which we react - however that is an Aristotlean (look him up you stupid lazy kids) dictatorship which is imposed on the masses who reside inside the educational system and have come wired up to it like humans wired up to the matrix.
In reality, considering the state of perception it is perfectly possible to perceive virtually anything, and believe any construct or effect that arises from the actions which inevitably arise as consequences of those perceptions.
In other words: what you believe, you become.
It goes ever deeper than this, but you really do have to take the initiative and step outside of the box of your conventional thinking if you want to experience it for yourself.
Internal perception: "Everything I know is inside of me."
External perception: "There's something out there.. it is real. I should conform to that something at all times."
Theoretically this means that anything is possible, but it does not mean that there will be no challenges.
External perception: "There's something out there.. it is real. I should conform to that something at all times."
Theoretically this means that anything is possible, but it does not mean that there will be no challenges.
by Sky Dust July 15, 2009
Peceptions are subjective responses to certain external stimuli. It is subjective because no 2 persons can perceive exactly the same perceptions.
"OUCH! I have PAIN! The perception of PAIN! Pain on my knees because I fell very hard on the floor. Can you feel the pain also?" "No, I don't feel the pain because I didn't fall, you did."
by Smartteaser192 March 7, 2009
Entitlement to be wrong.
Only those who use the word "perception" as a stance are those who fail to apply skepticism; unwilling to admit that they do not know.
Only those who use the word "perception" as a stance are those who fail to apply skepticism; unwilling to admit that they do not know.
Perception is everything.
by The Scapegoat July 4, 2017
A term coined by Peacemaker. Intrasensory Perception is the exact opposite of Extrasensory perception. Rather than using your natural ability to perceive reality outside of your physical body using your mind's eye without the use of your 5 physical interface senses, you instead perceive the inside of your physical body through your mind's eye. In doing so, you can do things such as change your physical body at will on the cellular, maybe even the molecular level. This can heal wounds, eradicate disease, increase of decrease blood flow to concentrated areas, etc. The possibilities are innumerable. I founded this term using the "As above, so below." concept after achieving numerous amounts of success in remote viewing sessions. As a result, this gave me beyond questionable doubt that there exists an equal but opposite form of this method of perception.
I've learned to accelerate the repair of cuts, gashes, and lacerations on my skin using Intrasensory Perception.
by MakerofPeace January 19, 2023
An amazing book written by Aldous Huxley, Its mainly about the a drug / root called peyote and another drug called mescaline. The book was so impacting it infulanced amazing talents.
Such as jim morrison who later on named his band witch is now considered one of the greatest rock bands ever The Doors
by n333m October 25, 2004