later on

a way of saying good bye or see you later
Person 1: well i got to got now
Person 2: okay
Person 1: later on
Person 2: later
by Emma Porter May 25, 2005
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later later

wife: when are you going to fix that pinche car?!
husband: aye cabrona! I'll do it later.
wife: pinche pendejo! do it now. not later later.
by Korin =] January 22, 2006
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I'll finish this later.
by ManMan36 April 3, 2016
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to delay; push back or make later
We should laterize the party to 9pm.
by cooksinator May 24, 2011
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by pingz January 30, 2003
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I'm gonna laterize this assignment
by airpollution February 22, 2011
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Later is 2-3 hours from the period of saying or doing something later.
"Talk to you later"
" how long is later?"
"Later is 2-3 hours from the period of saying or doing something later"
"Okay see you later"
by Victoria Artemis December 21, 2014
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