
emoticon: denotes the face of a happy little piggy
luxury shopping makes for a happy little piggy (^(oo)^)
by luxe piggy May 19, 2010
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A classic ASCII art thought bubble as found in comics, also comes in shortened forms:



… and can contain other ASCII art instead of text.
I really like you! .oO(LOVE)
— Yeah, me too .oO(...)
by Crissov August 13, 2016
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it a emoticon for a nintendo controller. the left bracket is a side, the + is the d-pad, the two - - are the select and start keys, the two o o are the B and A buttons, and the end bracket is the other side of the controller.
i used a +--oo to play the nintendo.
by wicketap July 15, 2010
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Out Of Stock. As in, a retailer is selling something and they ran out of it.
Check out this deal at somewebsite! It's a total steal! Oops, it's OOS.
by Anonymous_Cow April 24, 2006
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Out of Sync. Problem that used to plague Age of Mythology's online matchmaking service, ESO, until a patch fixed it. Any one player being "out of sync" would crash the game for all players involved. Only comes up now in rare instances.
Fizzuck, I got teh OoS and my game crashed. CURSES BE TO ZEUS!!
by Cataphract_40 September 21, 2004
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A surprised face.For best effect, add a period between the two o's for a nose.
"I just humped a car*
by Brian November 28, 2003
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Another face used on the computer, Looking like: "O.o" But with out the '.'
What the fuck was that? Oo;;
by PopPoochan! May 23, 2005
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