(also known as a No$hie)
A person who is from the North Shore of Chicago and acts like the stereotypical North Shore girl/boy (Jewish, rich, spoiled, snobby)
Rachel Weinstien she is such a Noshie that she cried when her parents gave her an iPod because it was the wrong color.
by Rowdy_801 February 11, 2010
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Snacky, or in need of munchies.
Chris: Dude, I'm feelin' noshy.
Sam: Pizza rolls?
Chris: Rad!
by NinjaBandit April 17, 2016
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1) Traditional Style Origami
2) Well Known Chefs who've been known to bless there food before serving it to those in high postions.
3) A phrase formed in Cali. Meaning crazy.
1) Boy1: "Hey bro I heard we're making origami in art class today!"
Boy2: "Yeah Dude! It's called Noshi"

2)Boy1" What's the chef doing dude?"
Boy2"He's a noshi. And the president is like right over there about to eat his food."

3)Boy1: "What are you doing today bro?"
Boy2: "Some Noshi type shit. What's up!?"
by Mr.Yellow Boxers February 6, 2011
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NOSHI :a word you use in anger or to describe someone in a way based on their appearance or personality. NOSHI pronounced “Naw-She” or “No-She” either way can be considered correct, but the only way to type it is in all caps. NOSHI will typically mean a “Snack” or “Sexy” but if used in an angrier tone can mean “Dipshit” or “Parasite.” You decide what on you use with your tone of voice.
Example: Person 1 "Look at Veronica, shes such a NOSHI " Person 2 "Yeah, what a NOSHI, but in what definition are you using it?” “ I’m just saying she a snack.”
by Mazikeen Marilee February 22, 2020
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Short for nokhshlepper; originally a Yiddish word.
A nuchshlepper (nokhshlepper in Standard Yiddish) is a person who tags along where it's clear that he isn't wanted; he's either too stupid or too desperate to take a hint.
Manfowk, is Steve hanging out with us again? He's such a noshy and doesnt realize he's dead craic.
by shadysheep April 12, 2021
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When somebody (usually named Josh) gets in a bad mood they are said to be in a 'noshy' mood. Also compatible with Noel, Nerwood, Newis, Nuzie, Norgan, Nilly, Nark, Nen
Everyone, Josh is getting Noshy!!!! Ooooo noshyyy!!!!!!
by Joeleol June 14, 2008
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Translates: "No Shit"
Frank: "Oi cops are pretty harold"
Keanu: "Noshy lets leg it"
by _DLUXX_ September 6, 2017
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