One who leaches off others whilst pretending to be their friend. Once they have their fill they move on to the next victim.
That Slimbo is a real parasite. Waited till his mate got a big payout then he and his mates bled him white then disappeared.
by Slimbo Kev February 10, 2017
by black flag June 5, 2004
When something or someone is attached to you even tho you don't want them to and the follow you around and won't leave you alone
by Puppy 1234 April 21, 2017
Any website whose sole purpose is to relieve its visitors of money, promising unfeasably poor services in return, although of course, you don't realise this until you've signed over your grandmother. Examples of parasites include E-Cards sites, Mobile Phone ringtone download sites (Jam**er), the various Outlook smiley plugin sites,
by Enot-Bitter January 17, 2006
by Mystery Man January 29, 2003
by lisa_urban May 17, 2008
by Matt W. April 4, 2004