A person that lives the space life.
Lilly smokes like a pro, she's a space lifer to the core.
by teddyspacious January 6, 2012
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A derogatory term for pro-life people who want murder outlawed. Threats to the life of those connected to abortion from a few shitheads just give the pro-lifers a bad name.
"Those right-to-lifers are such jackasses! They're telling me not to brutally murder my offspring! So what if I have a fetish for killing infants? It lets me fulfill my power fantasies over the young and helpless!"
-Typical Liberal
by Ed February 27, 2006
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someone strong in their beleif. usually a republican. can be hypocritical, but usually just strongly against abortion. by the way, abortion is murder, so you could also call a pro life person someone who against mass killing. damn those pro lifers.
oh man, that pro lifer sure is strong in their beleif, i hope one day abortion is illegal so all of the pro life people can laugh at the women in delivery rooms because they were to stop to use contriception.
by jessica hash July 5, 2004
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kool people cuz they blow up baby farms and kill peole.
im a prolifer
by DaMan November 2, 2003
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An X box life no lifer is usually a fat obese over weight teenager boy, around the age of 13-17.
He plays x box live all day, and night.
when he is not playing he is probably asleep for 18 hours.
Or eating junk food, using the computer, or taking a 20 pound dump.

1. Gets pissed when he gets killed in Call of Duty.
2.Swears to noobs online.
3.The only people he talks to are on xbox live.
4.He has more friends online than in real life.
5.He calls his "friends" by their Gamertags.
6.Is overweight.
7.smells bad.
8.Mostly ignores his last possible friends.
9.Sleeps a lot.
10.Works hard to get Achievements on games,
then feels accomplished.
11.The last thing he does before sleeping is turning off the game console,
the first thing he does in the morning is turn on the game console.
12.Gets mad when his parents don't buy him a game.
and forces them to.
Friend : Hey Bill want to go outside today ?
Bill: I can't, I'm too busy playing Xbox live.
Friend: Wow dude, you're an Xbox Live No Lifer.

Guy1: Where is Bill ?
guy2: I rang his doorbell and his mom came out saying
he is still asleep.
Guy1: What the hell ? It's 4pm. Still sleep ?
Guy2: Yeah man he is such an Xbox Live No Lifer.

Guy1: Where the hell is Bill ?
He was suppose to meet us today.
Guy2:Man he is either too busy playing Modern Warfare 2 with his xbox live friends, or he is still sleeping.
Guy1:What a damn Xbox Live No lifer.
Guy2: yeah Forget him, let's not talk to him.
Guy1:Screw that, let's not be friends with him no more.
Guy2:Hell yeah man, Forget that Xbox Live No Lifer.
by GuyFlawkes June 9, 2010
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POV: you and your friend give each other access to you computer by adding each others touch id to each others computer. POV: you have to set up very specific rules bc you don't trust them but you want access to their computer.
Ania: I read your zoom chats with noor and i want to eat you now
Ella: thats not very kind
Ania: your face isnt very kind
Ella: okay!!
Ania: your such a touch id 4 lifer
Ella: right back atcha?
Ania: TouchId4Lifers bro

Ella: what does that mean?
Ania: ur mom
touch id 4 lifers...
by OofMottoMottoOopoo April 7, 2022
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1. No sex at all
2. Safe sex- condoms, birth control, the shot, etc.
3. Give the baby up for adoption when you have it.
by Soltar October 22, 2003
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