3 definitions by Justatraumatizedkiddocoasting

duck duck game

the dark, duck secret in your friends closet you should have too
Mark: "Hey Dav! What're we playing tonight?"

Dav: "You know we're playing duck duck game."

Mark: "Oh yeah! Duck Duck Go!"
by Justatraumatizedkiddocoasting December 3, 2019
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This term is a derogatory way of calling someone mixed-race.

It can be referring to when someone doesn't know what they are or are a percentage of every nation on the earth.

But, generally it means:

When someone is a mix of so many races that they're likened to a mixed-breed mutt.

i.e. a mixed-race person of more than two.
Dan: "Hey Mark, are you like French or English or what?"

Mark: "I'm a mongrel."
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Something random that incites a different perverted reaction or thought than intended when the context is not specified.
"Hey man, are you a dog or a cat person?"
"I'm top, dog."
"I meant the actual pet, bro. Get your mind out of the gutter."

"That conversation was spartum."
"I know, that was so random."

"Woah, look at that jiggle aahahha!"
"What? Wher- oh you're talking about the jello.."
"Woah, dude that's Spartum."
by Justatraumatizedkiddocoasting September 7, 2019
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