
One who is considered "flea infested"

Roots from the song "Who Let the Dogs Out" by the Baha Men
Damn bro you're being a real mongrel right now
by Ryry2x April 8, 2019
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"Man, I'm getting horny... I have a Mongrel!"
by Cheekylover July 29, 2009
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Used to describe someone who's accent is all over the place. Intended as a compliment.

Definitely not racist.
That girl sounded like she was from Manchester, Wales and Lincoln all at the same time - she was a proper mongrel-in a good way
by Granny robber July 15, 2015
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Anyone Conor determines to be a mongrel, or a little bitch
by ftl69 January 15, 2007
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Mongrel a person that acts absolutely the worst to other people
by TGDEN July 6, 2020
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An insulting way of pointing out someones mixed heritage. Also states that you think of someone as "having a lower status" than yourself.
You aren'tt even worth my attention, you goddamn Mongrel!
by Julius-Senpai January 17, 2019
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Anyone called Max, especially the basketball players
Ah you're such a mongrel Max!!
by Daniel998799871 June 24, 2018
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