American Mongrel

American Mongrel (or Mutt) is a derogatory word to describe the Americans, for being part of a Melting Pot, where everyone is mixed with one another.
"America is a mongrel nation run by Jews"
- Adolf Hitler

"We are sort of a mongrel people"
- Barack Obama

John: Hey look! There goes that American mongrel.
Peter: These American tourists are everywhere in Europe now.
John: Tell me about it. Bunch of mutts...
by Gött August 11, 2012
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half a mongrel

i saw karen in her swimsuit the other day, she looked hot, gave me half a mongrel!
by mickybird December 13, 2014
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cock mongrel

One who selfishly devours the cock.
Wow, that Cornell is such a cock mongrel.
by Jumai182 January 11, 2008
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ass mongrel

anal bitch, generally. some one who pays too much attention to things that don't posess any qualities worth paying attention to. consequently, an ass mongrel's presence is less than appreciated, due to being such a tool.
Dude, I was working with Dave the other day, and he fucking narc'd me out for not wearing my name tag to LuAnn. (mumble mumble dumb bitch)

Man, he's such an Ass Mongrel.
by neoprisonr March 22, 2004
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dirty mongrel

The best word ever to describe anyone in any situation. It can be good or bad. Mostly used when someone is being annoying or dumb and you're in a situation where you can't call them something worse. Also related to the word dirty rat which is pretty much the same just someone being more sneaky almost disease riden like a rat would be. Dirty mongrel can be a huge insult or it could also just be a friendly insult you have to figure out which one it is. Dirty mongrel is the best word ever created. It's gnarly and rad at the same time no word can describe everything and anything in the world better than dirty mongrel. It's a word sent down from God himself. It's also fun to say.
Why did you just bite me, god you're such a dirty mongrel!
by Dirty mongrel July 16, 2014
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Half Mongrel

A soft On, Like a hard on But softer
dam it how do I get rid of this Half Mongrel in my pants
by Poon Idol December 24, 2003
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full mongrel

i saw karen naked the other day, damn she's hot, left me with a full mongrel!
by mickybird December 13, 2014
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