They like to grab Koles mannikins tits after dance and fuck a tall hot bitch named Cynthia when they get home and have a really big Marilyn Monroe poster looking at them
Girl 1:Some creep grabbed a mannikins tits at kohl’s

Girl2: oh yeah that was the mannequin molester
by Ohfr June 21, 2022
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When you're face timing someone and the microphone is being viciously blown into, rubbed on, etc.
by A Collection of Satanists October 7, 2017
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The one creepy man or monster that lurks in the alleyways of the outskirts of the city who waits undercover until an attractive or ugly woman walks by, then jumps out and snatches their tits.
The tit molester is on the prowl again, many women's tits have gone missing again!
by zombie vagina July 22, 2018
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someone who is attracted to little kids for example "the sign goes that way.To penis sucking child molester!
John:hey smelly nigger get up! The cotton needs to be picked.
Nigger Jamal: where am I

John: nigger it's a part owned by KKK it's penis sucking child molester
by Isuckpussy🍼 August 15, 2023
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A guy who would basically screw anything.
John is a snake molester. He'd fuck a snake if you held it still.
by alljackandnowork June 13, 2011
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A serial rapist, responsible for conducting numerous counts of sexual assault. Effective, efficient and remaining at large.
Rose McGowan: We'll get you one day Harvey!
Harvey Weinstein: I'm afraid not rose, I am the master molester.
by avinabeer December 12, 2018
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Soccer players that grab and feel up players of the opposing team to provoke them to shove, punch or kick them back, so the referee will pull a yellow or red card on the opposing player.
I can't believe that Brazillian player grabbed the butt of the American player to provoke him to elbow him back in front of the ref. he was totally soccer molesting the American. dirty player, play dirty, sneaky, soccer, World Cup, soccer ball
by joecoolthefool August 21, 2015
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