
A thick, dark, syrupy substance made by boiling the juice of the sugar cane plant. With a great taste and plenty of iron and calcium, it's superior to table sugar and most sweeteners in just about every way.
by red_beard_neo April 5, 2004
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A person with not many athletic abilities in the discipline of track and field.
Man that Kieran sure is molasses.
by Alex.Flash June 18, 2011
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it's a seasoning or a spice
"do you have any molasses"
"oh... you mean the seasoning?"
by everyonesalittlegayiguess July 13, 2021
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A person who eats so slow that molasses seems faster or equal to their consumption rate.
Laura, you're such a molasses!
by Laurel52 July 24, 2008
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A slang word for cum or semen.
The girl's cooch was so tight that I was bustin' blackberry molasses in no time!
by R. Kemp July 24, 2006
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As molasses

A less offensive way of saying as fuck - used for emphasis.
by AnEnigma July 20, 2015
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The biggest pimp and the ultimate example of leetness.
Dude molasses is one big fucking pimp.
by PIMP MOLASSES February 1, 2004
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