They're warm and soft like puppies in socks filled with cream and candy rocks
Oh potatoes and molasses. If you want some oh just ask us
by Cartoonporn June 20, 2017
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Used to describe a black person. Molasses is a sticky brown substance that moves slowly when poured; this implies that the subject is slow and brown. Monkey is added for alliteration and extra racist effect.
by Mr. Nigsquillius III April 22, 2024
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Used to describe a black person. Molasses is a sticky brown substance that moves slowly when poured; this implies that the subject is slow and brown. Monkey is added for alliteration and extra racist effect.
by Mr. Nigsquillius III April 22, 2024
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The name of an ass with molasses on it.
Man, why is there molasses on his ass? He must have an molass!
by SomeRandomGuy345 October 19, 2021
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molasses tarded Arianna Desjardid flower garden space marshin♡
molasses tarded is a great poem
by isabellAdefined April 25, 2022
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