
Small fry - one who is swimming out of their depth.
Spud came on the stag with us but the minnow wet to bed at about 12!
by gh August 11, 2003
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a term meaning "mini-hoe". It's usually a 4th-7th grade girl dressed in abercrombie, uggs, etc. They're destined to be hoes as big girls.
"She's 12! She's not a hoe, she's a minnow"

"She's wearing the tightest clothes and she probably JUST learned how to read, what a minnow"
by OOOOHLAWDY May 4, 2010
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is the young guys who date cougars. Most are young and need some good sexin
damn i didnt know he was a minnow, that bitch is twice his age!!
by cha brah June 7, 2010
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I heard she's like 6'5", imagine the size of that minnow!
by Andy May 4, 2004
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A cat that looks like a doormat when it lays down.
Wipe your feet on minnow.
by vmanisme June 26, 2012
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He is such a minnow
OMG stupid minnow
by Hyde@#cF January 29, 2005
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When a girl screws you over and puts you in the "friend Zone".
Dave:Man,I just talked to sarah and she said she wants to be just friends

Ron:Man you minnowed
by Daver42 March 18, 2007
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