Acting like a "minimus" is code for asking either personal or irritating questions to other posters on a DB while seldom ever giving your own opinion or personal information.
A Minimus question: "Would YOU Ever Have Sex With Your Best Friend's Girlfriend?"......The DB response might be, "YOU tell us first and stop asking "Minimus" questions!"
by Minimus#1 March 22, 2006
by Baron January 8, 2005
as in: "Minimus Chimp"
by Melvin Slut January 8, 2005
by Melvin Slut January 9, 2005
by Melvin Slut January 8, 2005
by Nanizzle July 11, 2008
A microsized penis only found on a very few individuals of the Indian subcontinent. Many go on to become practicing dentists. It may also be found on the head region, in which it will be hidden by a overgrowth of hair.
by StienMD July 6, 2009