
That stupid B*tch is a malark aye big Boss? Reckon she knows?
by Yung Spark November 16, 2018
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A horrible real creature that is disguised as a real person. Could be anyone your around, or even you. A creature that MUST be killed, or else will stalk you while your sleeping and kill you.
Ima kill those f***ing Malarkers
by RaidenLee January 7, 2020
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ard vark malark

A form of the word malarky. Means nonsense or bull
What is this ard vark malark? He obviously is lying!
by D.ann November 2, 2007
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To be brought down by anothers poor performance
Wow Jim's team is getting their asses kicked

Yeah its because of ted Jim is getting Malarked
by AjaxTFB January 30, 2021
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Someone who sexually assaults sharks
Dominic you can’t hide it, you are a “malarke
by zxB3ANxz May 18, 2023
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