a kin is a character (or characters, you can have more than one kin) you associate/identify with. kins are to help you express yourself, comfort you etc.
I kin shuichi saihara from drv3.
by achilleskinnieig June 11, 2020
usually used to refer to a character that you heavily relate to. most commonly used in anime fandoms.
by elfbabs May 13, 2021
A kin is where you (heavily) connect or relate with a character, for example you have the same problems in life, trauma, or same ideals in life.
I kin Hu Tao from Genshin Impact!
by ventibuns January 22, 2022
by Anonymous January 21, 2003
by qwsecdvfbgnhmjhfddc December 8, 2015
A word used in place of the word "fucking".
Normally used when quoting what chavs have said, or something related to chavs.
Normally used when quoting what chavs have said, or something related to chavs.
by JOELJOELJOEL February 15, 2007