Known for taking something good and turning it into shit with everything you touch.
A kid was given a new toy. His intestine hands guaranteed the toy would soon be broken.
by DigitalSherpa June 22, 2015
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When you go into the bathroom that has been fouled by the previous occupant.
It smells like dying old man intestines in there
by Pebbles B August 31, 2023
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As in financial due diligence, in an intestinal due diligence exercise, when you see daylight you have gone too far
by Wakahare September 11, 2022
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People who get everything assbackward. The same people that you tell, to put it where the sun doen't shine, and do nothing but mouth crap all day.
Man, all my Redneck friends, just love that Limbaugh guy to death, but I think he has a major intestinal tract inversion.
by Guido1 September 17, 2009
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When some badly craving Mac and cheese that you have to get a fix by buying intestines off the internet to fondle them
Oh my gosh I want Mac and cheese so bad I really Need to intestine fondle right now.
by Bonkanddonk January 29, 2021
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