A casual American or Canadian corruption of the term "Indian", referring to Native Americans. The earliest Europeans thought they had landed in India and applied "Indian" to the indigenous population. "Injun" more commonly heard during a period when the term "Indian" was used, often pronounced in later years only by children. Not typically meant as derogatory, as American "Indians" came to be admired during the latter period of common usage. Rarely used today, if so used in a typically light-hearted if politically-incorrect fashion. Can be derogatory given intent and inflection.
by walkerny September 7, 2010
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An American Indian, (or "Native American" in more colloquial English), as opposed to an Asian one.
He had surrendered, but the Injun horde paid this fact no mind. And following the ensuing massacre, the Seven Years War had begun
by Swagswimmy September 9, 2021
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A racially offensive epithet used towards Native Americans. However, Columbus was wrong, this racial slur was in fact meant for inhabitants of India and has now been recently claimed at the University of Washington.

Modern equivalent of "Nigga", except its used to refer to Indians who, thanks to Kumar, are finally in mainstream American culture.

Can be used in reference to other people who are "down with the brown". This EVEN includes white people, as long as they're tight with some Indians.
"Yo what up my injun!"
"Injun please..."
"I'm gonna have to go fuck that injun up!"
"Shame on a injun"
by Samir Patel February 1, 2005
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Billy 'moonshine' Bob: hey tha injun stoleded my wheels
by PlayDohMan May 11, 2004
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I was told this from great-great-grandparents, which I believe is absolutely the true orgin of the word Injun. It is not from "lazy" word pernunciation by trying to say Indian. The word Injun is a contraction from the word indigenous, and spelled like the phonetic sound of the contraction. So "Indigenous", INdiGENous, INGEN, INJUN.
Be respectful to Injuns, afterall they were here before us.
by Agent Ajax8 May 15, 2019
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Racist slur toward a person of native american heritage.

See also ijin ; it's spelt this way so that it doesn't sound like it's mistaken for "engine".
"Damn injuns livin' in them teepees!"
by Dave April 6, 2004
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