1.In ancient greek this means to beat someoen in a humiliating way just to show your authority. Hubris was the ancient greek for Owned or to own as a gaming term.

2.As a modern term it means exaggerated self-pride or self confidence normally as a result of success as a leader
1. Shut up noob or ill commit an act of hubris on you!
Bob commited hubris on everyone in the room.

2. He was a good leader but hubris let him down.
by Adam Beedell October 9, 2007
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Advanced arrogance, overstating ones self worth, a narsistic mentality that your milkshake actually brings all the boys to the yard.
example: An attractive (yet Hubris) girl approches a man standing at the bar expecting a free drink or something of monetary value.

Note: this example doesn't apply at strip clubs... please then refer to recriprocity
by BranBran828 January 27, 2011
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Extreme arrogance that leads to ones downfall, vaguely connected to Irony.
E.g. Thomas Tomstall passed his driving test making a point out of it by jingling his keys and comparing his driving skills to the size of his penis. Later that day young Thomas was driving down a country lane at 90mph when low and behold he got air in his car and flipped over a ravine.

The next day when his class mates found out about Thomas's fate all that could be said was "LOL! HUBRIS!"
by CCCA November 28, 2007
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Dean: Can anyone define the word Hubris
Mike: Is it like a scheme?
by Jo October 7, 2004
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A woman being overly proud of her vagina.
She's got Vaginal Hubris, acording to her vag all other pussies are useless.
by pepesilvia November 6, 2009
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A general pseudo name for a snobby, shallow, prissy, materialistic good looking men who shops at Hollister, Abercrombie, American Eagle etc to achieve that “worn” look, but are too snobby to actually buy something from a thrift store for the authentic thing. Hubris Hollisters are usually self proclaimed foodies, define themselves as hipsters, exercise excessively and rarely have girlfriends. Hubris Hollisters are a detriment to themselves because of their obvious pathetic screaming cry to be cool partnered with the total lack of common sense to do naturally instead of “buying it at the mall.”

EVERYBODY under 30 knows at least 3 Hubris Hollisters personally!!! GENERAL EXAMPLES:
The majority of male students age 14 to 30 who either come from families with money or want to appear as if they do. Overeducated 30- somethings men with low self esteem problems. Foreigners trying to look American.
"I met a really cute guy in Birmingham but when I suggested we stake out some thrift stores for fun, he went all Hubris Hollister on me."
by Bex Nicole August 4, 2009
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