A combination of a "sport" and a "hobby". Used when nobody knows what the fuck it is.
Dance is a hort.
by Flicking off Life Story June 11, 2015
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Like hurt but more pain thus the o instead of the u
"That really hort"
"Oh sorry i thought it would only hurt"
by DomnCostel June 17, 2021
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When you snort but it’s hurts like a lot and then you have to go to the hospital and your doctor asks what happened and you say you horted and then they take you to the emergency room to do surgery on your nose cause you horted rlly hard and then you woke up after the surgery and your doctor tells you your parents are divorcing and you have cancer in your left testical.
Yo what happened brotha
“Yo brotha i horted 😔 “
by Meafer69 May 9, 2022
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Or Horts, is the definition of Gru being in pain.
by Naka09 February 24, 2021
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1) A drunken mis-spelling of the word "hot"
2) Extreme hotness of a vaguely homosexual nature
3) What Braden is
1) "It was cool braden coame over. Yeahg. I like him, his so cool.
And he is hort... Are you lyimng? SAve this convosation"
2) Braden is hort.
3) Braden is hort.
by The Editor March 24, 2004
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Hort is the state of being hot and bothered. To be or feel hort usually occurs during summer, however might be apparent after excessive exposure to heat (through activity, a heat source, or other means of heat production), combined with a feeling of agitation. Coined by W J Welburn, Adelaide, South Australia.
'Oh, for f*#k's sake! Sorry, honey. It's not your fault, I'm just feeling a bit hort.'
by Rae Wormwell October 3, 2004
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Any kind of person generally retarded, with a large forehead and having a twin, most often of Romanian descent and able to believe that Russia annexed their motherland. More often than not they have no friends, except for their twin.
"Hey do you see Andrea over there hanging with her sister?"
"They are such horts"
by Prefontame October 18, 2009
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