girls mostly in corners, hitting on/harassing guys that drive by.. expecting to get some =)
Those hookers are harassing 40 year old men and there like 15!
by Mufasaa ;-) April 21, 2004
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Usually the only hispanic woman in your neighbourhood. Might have a penis.

(This definition isn't good if you live in New York or Las Vegas.)
Jim; "This hooker has a penis."

Raoul; "Hey hombre, hands off my taco bro."
by ih8uplzdie December 19, 2004
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A woman who fucks (illegally) for money, usually men who are so lame that they can't get any girls.
My girlfriend left me and I was feeling horny, so I got a hooker
by Vir Fabula July 30, 2008
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Originating from Gen. Hooker's men in the civil war. he did not like his men being with prostitutes in D.C. so he removed them from the city. After he was removed of power the prostitutes came back and to mock gen. hooker they called the women hookers.
That hooker over there only charges 20$ for a @@
by justin centeno November 6, 2007
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Good thing for every living (and a few non-living) creatures Martha Stewart aint a hooker.
by shruikan March 31, 2007
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One who is like a prostitute enjoys sex for money but wants nothing but pleasure kind of like a whore and a slut except they look really cheap like they have big blonde hair and cake on way too much make-up
That chick in the black leather, yeah the one that crawls out at night, is a hooker.
by DizzyLizzy November 16, 2006
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