An unfortunate episode of flatulence during the reception of a "rim-job."
"Holy mother of God, my face still smells from the herbie my boyfriend gave me last night."
by Grandmaster Jurve December 26, 2005
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herbies are very complex. they have diffrent peronalities.but there all what make him wonderful. he will never use any girl, or take advantage of them. when the girl is ready then hes ready, and when the time comes to have sex will be amazed at how wonderful it is. youll never want any other guy ever. herbiees make an excelent boyfriend and even better husbands. there kind, loyal, trusting, smart. handsome,funny,hot and SEXYY!,. even though they dont show it. herbies are very very horny. every gril who goes out with a herbie should hold on tight and never let go because theres no other person out there in the world like him! herbies will never fail to put a smile on your face when your sad! also herbies treat there familys very well and respect there elders. they are always prompt to do what there told and they dont disobey from it. herbies are all around great wonderful sexy guys who are amazing in every way
rachel: ugg im in love with this guy named herbie! i wish i was going out with himm!
betty: i know look at him hes soo dreamy!!
Lindsey:look at his abs,his tan, his muscles!!

Morgan: yepp thats my man!:)
by wishingforsnow123 January 6, 2010
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When a female holds her breath at the heightening of an orgasm to add intense feelings and sensations.
Last night, in my shower, I gave myself an incredible Herby.
by ---- June 2, 2003
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A really handsome man very good in bed, so sexy and smart.
I Wish I was Herby
by Hey dawgss April 20, 2019
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noun; a very painful and exhausting hockey drill in which you skate from goal line to blue line and back, goal line to red line and back, goal line to blue line and back. Sometimes extended to goal line to goal line.

These drills make you skate faster, and also make you vomit.
Dude 1: Coach made us do herbies last night...puked up four weeks worth of food out there.
Dude 2: How are you even standing right now?
by isuhockey July 5, 2010
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A the feeling of desire for marijuana.

Like hunger is for food, herby is for weed
I'm feeling pretty herby right now, I'm gonna have to pack a bowl.
by tree_ent October 10, 2011
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