Cheating or hacking programs in online multiplayer games such as Counter-Strike. The cheater often has an aimbot, can see players through walls, uses neon colored player models, and has decreased recoil to name a few advantages.
by l337 h4x0r January 27, 2004
A term commonly used towards someone who is playing amazing, or doing things which may look like they are cheating, when in fact, in most cases, they are not. Also used a complement to good players labelling their skills as good enough to be considered cheating.
by Brad Lundahl November 24, 2002
A word translated into 1337speak.
Most commonly used as a congratulation to someone whom is doing extremely well in a game, usually by the opposition.
Most commonly used as a congratulation to someone whom is doing extremely well in a game, usually by the opposition.
by trust April 25, 2004
by THeGMaN September 7, 2008
Gaining access to another computer through an exploit. Can also be used in a sarcastic or funny way.
by DarkSun August 8, 2006