goose egg


The way the number is shaped is similar to a goose's egg.
I played a tennis match and was goosegged, I lost 6-0, 6-0, 6-0
by disco stu September 24, 2003
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goose egg

1. Egg of a big migrating bird.
2. In games; a zero, indicates that no points have been scored. Also called 'duck egg'.
"Wow, look at that goose egg! It's so pretty!"
"And so no points have been scored yet, a goose egg.."
by 1337jesus September 24, 2003
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goose egg

a zero..nada...nafin'
Slim Shady went for the dunk..came up short and got the goose egg.
by Anonymous September 24, 2003
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goose egg

A vast, festively plump man heap lying limp on a mans own thigh.
After Gwendolyn gave Frank a really good blow job his dick immedietely went to damp "Goose Egg" Satus.
by Friggin hoopty December 4, 2006
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goose egg

An egg soaked for several weeks in gasoline or kerosene. This process liquifies the sulfur in the egg yolk and blends it with the sulfur in the fuel. When thrown at someone's house or car, a goose egg releases a stench most foul.

Teens in the 1950s commonly made and used goose eggs. The high cost of gasoline has made the procedure too expensive for a good prank.
Ernie and Bob cruised around on Friday night lobbing goose eggs on all their teachers' houses.
by Cap'n Bullmoose May 13, 2005
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goose egg

A simple slap on the rear end but a finger is extended into the hershey highway
dude: you kno what a goose egg is?

random chick: no

dude: you want one?
by Sammi Sosa November 22, 2004
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goose egg

(1) The egg of a goose
(2) A moron, used as insult
(3)a term used for someone who lacks the skills to do anything right.
(4) proud conservative
(5) an insult to someone who is useless
by Blob September 24, 2003
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