172 definitions by Cap'n Bullmoose

A limousine liberal pollutocrat who wanted to tax YOUR pants off to pay for socialist medicine and free abortions for all soccer moms.

A liberal twit who shoots geese to show he's really a good ol boy at heart. He wants to take away YOUR gun, but not the crips' guns.

A pantywaist who wants all prancing poofters to get married. Then maybe all the little doggies and kitties can get married too. And the horsey set people can marry their horses.
John Kerry is a mush wimp liberal who wants YOUR wallet.
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 21, 2005
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An audible fart. An expulsion of waste gaseous hydrocarbons from the anus, accompanied by an audible roar or blatt, discernable by even the hearing impaired.
Miss Chalmers entertained the Ladies' Sewing Circle by blowing a raucous binderfender.
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 18, 2005
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Free ham.

From the stereotype that a Jew can't resist a bargain, and the Levitical prohibition of eating pork.
Father Murphy offered Rabii Bender a ham sandwich. "Oj gevalt!" moaned the good Rabii, "such a Jewish dilemma!"
by Cap'n Bullmoose May 3, 2005
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A roll of stink weed rolled in paper, found in the mouth of a redneck, skank, monkey, idiot, wino, bum, or fool. It is the cause of ash tray breath.

A Camel butt.
Belinda thinks she smells good with a cigarette in her mouth.
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 20, 2005
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Any undesirable person.

A greasy-haired pachuco.
A yuppie.
A liberal.
A soccer mom.
A punk.
A crip.
Quean Hillary is a slime. In fact, she's the Queen of Slimes, the Godmother of everyone who doesn't want to work for a living, but to be given money vacuumed out of YOUR pocket.
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 23, 2005
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A lady poofter.
A female faggot.
A bull dyke.
A diesel dyke.
A butch bitch.
A rug muncher.
Trevelian is a she fag. She changed her name from Melissa. She had her butch dentist sharpen her front teeth. She wears a spiked dog collar. Her hair is half an inch long. She wears men's clothes. She walks like Popeye the Sailor Man. Her Harley is louder than yours. Her tattoos are larger and more vulgar than a sailor's. She likes to seduce other she fags. She burgles turds out of their butts. All the mincing poofters on Castro Street are afraid of her because she doesn't prance around and yell "weeeee"!

Liberals pretend to like she fags, and court their votes around election time. But liberals are really scared shitless by she fags and would prefer to hang out among gentle prancing pouves.

Like the man says, use this one sparingly. It is sure to shock and anger dykes of all shapes and sizes. We don't want it to lose its shock value.
by Cap'n Bullmoose May 18, 2008
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A very hot pepper, such as a Scotch Bonnet or Habanero.

So called because the day after you eat too many of them, your coo burns. You get a Mexican heartburn.

A Portagee expression.
Hey, Sally, have some of these coo burners.
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 21, 2005
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