A lewd sexual act associated with "alternative" methods of payment by customers, to expensive hairdressers - normally both male.

This is a non-specific term that covers a whole range of sexual acts - provided they fall within the context of the above transaction.
In relation to a balding friend receiving expensive hair replacement therapy -

"He's "gooching" his way to a full head of hair."
by Mark Jones December 1, 2004
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The space between a male's nad hammock and the dark star aka the man cave.
The area is sensitive as it is a seam created when doctors sew the two halves of men together just after birth.
There are no inhabitants of the gooch - only the underclass citizens of the genitalia region.
After killing both of the hookers and stealing the money Paul Revere got himself a massage for his gooch at a five-star vietnamese massage palace in SoHo.
by ChazFay3 November 27, 2010
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1. Is best known as a part of the male anatomy.

2. It can also be someone's name or nickname.
1. The Gooch is located between the testicles and anus.

2. Hello my name is Byrce but I am better known as Gooch.
by dem3 February 4, 2010
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The name given to any hanging piece of biological matter that resembles the post-pubescent testes or chicken's wattle and wobbles uncontrollably and hilariously.

Found mainly in the neck region but not confined to it and most prevalent in elderly persons who may have undergone substantial weight loss.
Jimmy: Have you seen Austin Powers: Goldmember?
Mo: OMG yeah! Fat Bastard's gooch was minging!

Graham: This meal is lovely thanks Gethin. Haha, look at that man over there. He's got a gooch and it wobbles as he eats!

Gooches (or Geech as they are often termed in plural) are characterised by a jelly-like wobble. If they don't - it's more than likely a Gooch wannabee!
by WizWaz December 2, 2010
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The Area Between The Anal Sphincter And The Male Genatalia
by drew leathers June 26, 2005
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The spot between your balls and butthole.

Used to insult one's self.
by Michael Carlock April 7, 2006
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A lanky blonde womanly boy with glasses who thinks he is cool, but he really really is not.
Aaron: Hey look at they gimpish guy on the red superbyke over there, what a GOOCH!!
by belle&joker June 2, 2009
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