Finish a task aggressively, trying really hard to get it done. Comes from basketball, where players must aggressively drive to the hoop from within the painted region of the court.
by skibot July 19, 2012
by jaguaro February 26, 2014
by bigblue101 December 3, 2010
To have sexual intercourse with a woman on her period.
This term originated off of frazho road in a Detroit suburb called "The Ville".
This term originated off of frazho road in a Detroit suburb called "The Ville".
GUY 1 "I picked this girl up last night, she was on the rag though."
GUY 2 "did you go hard in the paint."
GUY 2 "did you go hard in the paint."
by nvrgohard May 19, 2011
by TurdNuggetBucket September 23, 2013
Going hard in the paint means “i’m feeling this situation and I’m about to go hard in the paint. Meaning, I’m about to make it do what it do. “NOW WHAT?”
by Chasedogg50 February 20, 2021
To pile at least 4 people into a basement bathroom, then proceed to smoke copious amounts of Marijuana using a vaporizer with the door closed, the fan on, the lights off, a strobe light flashing, and rave music plays on a nearby boombox/ghetto blaster.
Maria: "Hey, did you guys go hard in the motherfucking paint last weekend?"
Colin: "No, we couldn't. Nobody had a free bathroom for the night."
Colin: "No, we couldn't. Nobody had a free bathroom for the night."
by SpudHawk March 27, 2012