Let's REDEFINE this one, shall we? The accepted English defintion is: "A structure, configuration, or pattern of physical, biological, or psychological phenomena so integrated as to constitute a functional unit with properties not derivable by summation of its parts". This is adequate, however, let's also define the word historically as well. It is really a German word, literally meaning "form", defined as an organized whole in experience. The Gestalt psychologists, in about 1912, advanced the theory which explains psychological phenomena by their relationships to total forms rather than their parts. Also, this word has become useful for discussing musical terms (or a critique on music, rather) in the post-modern sense. It is the "essence", or "foreground" of any given band (or genre) in discussion.
"T. Rex surpassed it's place in the 1970's Glam Rock Movement with a cross-pollination of different musical styles,
while having an influence on pop music today that has endured far beyond bands who had more than seven chords in their entire respective repertoire(s)."
by Doug E. Doug September 23, 2004
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n. 1. A system, structure or organism that is indistinguishable from its component parts, and can thus be reconstructed in whole from any of its parts. 2. G~ n. the collective consciousness of humanity or any other intelligent species. (cf. holographic, holistic) 3. adj. Self-determinining oranisation without need for a leader or central control (antonym heirarchy)
The human brain, because all its cells contribute to the operation of the whole and is not controlled by any one cell, is a gestalt structure.
by Mystikan November 19, 2003
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In Dungeons & Dragons, the term refers to taking a level in two different classes simultaneously when you level up. This is subject to the following guidelines:

- HD: you get the highest
- skill points: you get the highest amount between the two classes
- class skills: all skills that are class skill for either of the two classes are class skills for that level
- BAB: you take the better progression(*) of the two classes
- Saves: for each one, you use the better progression(*) of the two classes
- Special Features: you get all special features(**) of the two classes

(*) what "better progression" exactely means when changing classes from the initial two noone knows. a reasonable suggestion is to use fractional BAB and Saves: each level in a class with average BAB adds +3/4 and each level in a class with poor BAB adds +1/2; each level in a class with good Save adds +1/3 and each level in a class with good Save adds +1/2

(**) repeated features are taken once.

Note: Above guidelines are taken from gbnogkfs of the Wizards.COMmunity D&D boards.
What you have here is basically a Ranger/Barbarian gestalt. No need to devise a new class for it.
by psyk0 February 19, 2005
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A 56-word statement, originally written by psychotherapist Fritz Perls, that serves as a way of life model for many who live or seek to live outside the influence of the status quo. The "prayer" has since become synonymous with individualism and peaceful rebellion. It gets its name from a specialized form of therapy called Gestalt Therapy, a brand of therapy which Dr. Perls helped to create.

The "prayer" can be found below:
I do my thing and you do your thing.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,
And you are not in this world to live up to mine.
You are you, and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful.
If not, it can't be helped.

-Gestalt Prayer
by hurpeeeeeez May 15, 2008
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A type of psychology where people look how they perceive things versus how they are presented
Did you study gestaltism last night for the exam?
by Shayduk February 22, 2016
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Gestalt Force is a cool man with Thiago,Dj,Tommy,and Gab
by GabCubzzzzz April 23, 2022
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Krek = Crack
Gestalt = German for figure ((shape of a) being, especially a human or human-like being)

A Krek-Gestalt if you see someone after a few years again and he or she looks like faces of meth (after).
A: Damn my man, I say that girl Lizzie from highschool. She is a Krek-Gestalt now.
B: OMG, here goes a another one to hell.
A: Bro, haven't seen you in a while!
B: Hehe yeaaaah (omfg he looks like a Krek-Gestalt)
by DodgerTheGod June 5, 2023
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