
An alcoholic beverage made of vodka and energy drink. It's more or less the same color, and has the same effect of giving you energy.
I'll make it to the after-bar if they're serving gasoline!
by kinglouie August 13, 2009
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American: Imma fill mah car up with gas!

British: You're commiting suicide?
by Gumba Gumba February 21, 2004
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the liquid you pour on a campfire to get it started. make sure you pour a lot and stand back when you throw the match in.
i poured too much gas on the fire. when geoff threw the match in it, it almost burned miller.
by gspot August 27, 2005
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Gasoline: Hostile

Gasolinism: Hostility

Gasolinic: (adjective) Hostile


0-25%: Premium (A little hostile)

25-50%: Midgrade (Somewhat hostile)

50-75%: Regular (Pretty hostile)

75-100%: Leaded (SERIOUSLY hostile! You don't want Leaded!)

100-up%: JET FUEL! (Aahh, I'm not even gonna go there!)

For opposite definitions, see "Diesel".

Dondo: Java, Buzz off!!

Java: Man, Adam! That's a sign of Gasolinism- right there! So, how Gasoline are you?

Dondo: Pretty Gasoline!

Java: All right then. (leaves)

Java: Guys, Adam's Gasoline rating is at Regular Unleaded. Why is this and what can I do to make him Diesel again?


Friend: Daniel is having major problems with his girlfriend. She's been fighting and cheating on him.

Java: So, how Gasoline is she?

Friend: She is really, highly, and EXTREMELY Gasoline!

Java: Well, beyond Gasoline would be Jet Fuel...

Friend: Yes, She is JET FUEL!!
by Java September 7, 2004
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Are you insane, like me?
Been in pain like, me?
Bought a $100 bottle of champagne, like me?
Just to pour that motherf*cker down the drain, like me?
Would you use your water bill to dry the stain, like me?
Are you high enough without the Marry Jane, like me?
Do you tear yourself apart to entertain, like me?
Do the people whisper 'bout you on the train, like me?

Sayin' that you shouldn't waste your pretty face, like me?

And all the people say:

You can't wake up,
This is not a dream,
Your part of a machine,
You are not a human being,
With your face all made up,
Living on a screen,
Low on self estream,
So you run on gasoline,
I think there's a flaw in my code.
These voices won't leave me alone.
Well my hear is gold, and my hands are cold..
Are you deranged, like me?
Are you strange, like me?
Lighting matches just to swallow up the flame, like me?
Do you call yourself a f*cking hurricane, like me?
Pointin' fingers 'cuz you'll never take the blame, like me?
And all the people say:
You can't wake up,

This is not a dream,
You are part of a machine,
You are not a human being,
With your face all made up living in a screen,
Low on self esteem,
So you run on gasoline.
I think there's a flaw in my code.
These voices won't leave me alone.
Well my heart is gold,
And my hands are cold...
Gasoline by Halsey
These are the lyrics
by Ellie_the_dragonslayer March 31, 2017
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Often shortened to gas. The oil-based substance on which most vehicles run and have run since 1900. Unfortunately, gasoline is polluting and expels harmful chemicals when burned such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and ozone. While many consider gas prices to be high, note that bottled water costs way more than gasoline ever did, and nobody complains about its price. Although harmful in the short run, high gas prices will lead to a reduction in environmentally unfriendly SUVs and a shift to fuel-efficient or alternatively fueled cars (note, however, that high gas prices can be difficult or impossible to cope with during the current recession).
Many people fill their tanks with gasoline during their commute.
by Anonymous970 January 20, 2009
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Tovar: (does a gasoline act)

Java: That's a sign of Gasolinism, Tovar.

Tovar: Today happens to be Gasoline Java Day.

Java: What if I were to spray you with Diesel Fuel??

Tovar: Then I'd stick a comb handle up your 455 and be even more gasoline.
by Java September 7, 2004
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