A gentlemen's sport, devoted to the chase, not the actual capture of the fox. Frequently vilified by radical animal rights protesters as a barbaric blood sport, though the reality of the sport in modern-day Europe and North America is quite different.

Today, the most common types of hunts are "drag hunts," in which a scent is laid so that the dogs have something to follow--thus furthering the goal of a day riding across country.

Pursued by both those who love the countryside and horses.

"Actual" hunts in which a fox is pursued are typically practiced in areas where the local fox population is overly large, resulting in damage to livestock as well as starvation of the fox population due to a lack of food sources. The reality is, in some areas, cute as they may be, fox are seen as vermin or pests, not unlike deer in the north eastern portion of the United States.
The Beaufort Hunt is holding its opening meet this Sunday.
by Abby September 16, 2004
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Custom that is integral to gentrified British society - mainly because it lets you know that posh peole are out of their houses.

Hippies do not realise the importance of this aspect and the income it provides for serfs.
Fox Hunting is enjoyed by bugle players. The bugle is to signal that the family silver is up for grabs.
by anonnonononononon August 2, 2006
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While most see this as actually hunting fox, that is indeed not the case. Fox hunting is most commonly done by male humans, with the exception of lesbians. It is when they scope out a member of the female human species.
Two young men in conversation-Jim: "Let's go fox huntin down at the beach."

Derek: "Hell yeah man! I need to find me a hot bitch."
by Bazzle March 10, 2005
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An activity that involves people who have no understanding of animal welfare letting dogs chase a fox through the countryside while they ride on their horses. People often assume that only the injured and sick foxes are killed, but that is untrue as even a healthy fox would find it difficult to escape the hounds. Not to mention that if the fox escapes underground (Goes to ground) it is dug up then killed and it wouldn't make any sense to be killing old and sick foxes as if fox hunting was pest control they wouldn't want to be killing old and sick foxes as healthy foxes would live and would be more of a damage than sick and old ones. "Quick nip to the back of the neck" is another excuse used by fox hunters. Autopsies by vets have shown that the death is not a quick one. Unfortunately years after the hunting ban foxes are still being killed by dogs yet nothing is being done about this nor are there many prosecutions probably due to the fact that trail hunting is used as an excuse to cover up their actions. Another part of fox hunting is "terrier work" this involves sending a terrier down a fox den to flush or corner the fox, this often leads to the dog and fox being injured in the process and it may take hours for the fox to be dug up. Fox hunts have also been known to catch foxes or steal cubs and release them on hunt days as this would give a bigger chance of a kill. Another hidden secret of fox hunting is that hounds are killed when they are too old to chase.
Tom: Fox hunting is animal cruelty and is unnecessary.

Billy: Shut up you vegan tree hugger townie.
by fox hunters are the vermin. February 27, 2017
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Hunting a fox through the countryside with hounds and horses. A fantastically exciting sport if organised properly.
First fox hunt in England was in 1534, fox hunting is a tradition that goes back many many years.
Chavs hate it as they are incapable of riding horses and cannot afford to leave the cities they are crammed into.

Tally ho!
I enjoy fox hunting as a past time, there is no other activity quite like it!
by Fabian.w June 17, 2018
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A common orgy activity. One participant hangs a bandana from his or her underwear to serve as a tail. The "Fox" is given a 5 minute head start, and whoever finds the fox and removes the tail is given the privilege of fucking the fox. Other participants may act as hounds or masters of the hunt.
At Lisa's orgy, she decided they should have a Sexy Fox Hunt. She tucked a handkerchief into her panties and took off. Sarah, the mistress of the hunt, caught her, removed her tail, and fucked her.
by Snoopy Snoopy Poop Dogg February 27, 2013
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An attempt to pickup attractive Women from Wisconsin using cheese analogies.
"Hey Dude, wanna go on a Wisconsin Fox Hunt this weekend?"

Attempts may include:
"Hey baby, I wanna stuff your Havarti with my Provalone..." "Girl, you're giving me blue cheese balls"
by words411 March 12, 2013
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