In actuality; truthfully spoken. Stated without irony or any intention of deception. As opposed to for dinner.
by Pete Calleri April 19, 2010
Francine was regularly breakfasting and was usually asleep by noon.
We woke up early and went breakfasting downtown.
We woke up early and went breakfasting downtown.
by DSeanK February 18, 2017
by Chick mag January 15, 2010
"I don't believe that there is enough evidence to suggest that breakfast is a plausable event. With a lack of eye witnesses, we are forced to conclude that it does not exist"
by Rupert Budge March 18, 2007
by LK March 22, 2004
Breakfast usually consists of some eggs, bacon, toast, coffee and/or orange juice, chocolate milk, regular milk etc
Breakfast is good
Breakfast is good
by SoBsubsidiary> August 25, 2022