
1. Not fact.

2. Entertainment.

3. Stories.
by Downstrike May 22, 2004
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Something that is not true.
by Anonymous October 4, 2003
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At least half of what your recruiter told you before entering military service.
These new DEPer's don't realize that I'm feeding them just enough fiction to get them to sign a contract.
by Schmidty06 June 22, 2007
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Disguised autobiography.
All fiction is at least partially autobiographical, and all autobiography is at least partially fiction.
by Killing Kittens June 6, 2007
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i went to church today and the preacher kept telling me to read the greatest work of fiction ever
by cynic April 9, 2003
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Something which is not real or exists only in someones imagination.
santa claus
the tooth fairy
Easter bunny
The bible and other storybooks.
Everyone knows god is fiction but many are too big-headed to admit they are wrong.
by Gav April 14, 2004
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someone whos fake, not real! puttin up a front.
Aye dawg Jermaine said he saw yo dime hookin up wit Shawn, "man you know dat mutha fucka is fiction."
by JonD. September 6, 2005
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