
She is on ono it the most beautiful people you could ever meet. What’s even more beautiful than her face is her personality. Fallen has very very low self esteem and dose not believe when you tell her she is beautiful. If you find her never let her go. She may have a bad temper but a hug will always calm her down. She likes to be the center of attention even if she dosent express that. She is very shy but once you get to know her she is very bubbly, but don’t let that fool you, she’s very good at hiding her emotions.
Fallen is so pretty but she won’t admit it.
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Fallen is a very shy girl, who is always very self-conscious about the way she looks even though she is one of the most beautiful people on the planet. Even if you tell her how much she means to you she always need you to remind her because she might forget. If you find her don’t leave her because you’ll never find another one like her. She’s very shy but once you get to know her she’s an open book. She may be quiet but if you know her well she can be very loud. She has very low self esteem which means she constantly need you to compliment her.
“Fallen is so pretty, but she dosent believe me.”
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The Fallen, or Eliksni in their native language, are a nomadic race of four-armed bipedal humanoids. They are a species of pirates and mercenaries located on Earth, the Moon, Venus, and The Reef (later on Mars), and are one of the primary antagonist races in the Destiny series
Fallen are bad
by Game mode 0 September 23, 2016
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A person who has lost faith, hope, and god.; A person who gives up on everyone or everything. And always in despair. And depressed. A stereotype of a person has loss of hope. Not emo
"I guess you can say I am one of the fallen"
by Thefallen123 May 19, 2010
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A book by Lauren Kate. It's very complex and leaves even the smartest of people like me in the dust. It's strange twists and turns and unaccpected sentences surprise and this book captures the attention of the reader. I'm having a hard time not reading the book as I'm typing this.
Guy: Hey, what are you reading?
Me: Dude, I'm reading Fallen by Laurn Kate.

Guy2: Yea, that book rules. It's so attention grabbing and complex
by The Vixen Queen March 28, 2010
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prolly the most underground skate shoe company. Their skaters include Jamie Thomas and Josh Harmony. There best shoe is prolly the rival cuz i skate it. ;-)
His new fallens wore completely torn to shit after that long day of skating
by WALALA February 8, 2005
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When someone is or has fallen for someone. as in love or in lust.

someone who is in love or in lust with someone.

the act of being in love or lust with
She is so fallen for him

I am so fallen for him.

I'm fallen
by Megalyn November 14, 2005
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