
when a person, usually a lesbian or scrawny male, spikes their hair. Forming ones hair in a way that would resemble that of a dike.
by mynoduesp69 November 11, 2009
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it is artifacial reclaimed land on the shores of north germany.
"take me to the dike, dude"
by Jelly Fish July 20, 2005
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- Have you seen Connors Mum?
- Yer she’s such a dike
by Heelooooooo March 18, 2018
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The fuzz bumping, lesbian version of a viking.
Hey aren't you a viking? Oh no Sir, I'm a Diking.
by Hugo Gonzalez November 1, 2003
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The partner to a Bull Dike, often more feminine and may resemble a normal woman.
Me: I thought she was straight until I saw her 'Bull Dike' friend named Pat.
Other: Yeah, wow - Angie is a real Cow Dike.
by Tommy Kay January 12, 2008
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yikey dikes!

A purely sarcastic response to seeing a lesbian couple, as though it is shocking, usually uttered by gay folk.
Avert your eyes, my dear, and don’t look; yikey dikes!
by Dr Bunnygirl August 6, 2019
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That shitty haircut girls are getting. Bit longer than a bob.Looks utter shit.
“Oi Andy mate look at that birds trim
“Yeah proper Dike-Cap innit
by notbinladen April 1, 2020
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