
1. Cut that wire with those "dikes"

2. Look at those "dikes" kissing
by Joshua Paul Sarandos March 4, 2005
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An idiot who thinks dike and lesbian are the same

Dike is not spelled dyke, and it does not mean lesbian. Dike is a geology term and dyke means nothing.
by marsexo March 24, 2013
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Old Old Old Time word for a ditch (apparently)
Not to be confused with dyke which means lesbian..
That fucktard over there just fell in a dike?

(if this ^^ was dyke...

by Fucktarded Scarecrow November 19, 2009
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The word used to describe the activity of drinking at different pubs while using a bike to travel from pub to pub

Diking is not encouraged if you are either:
1. A terrible cyclist
2. Bad at holding your liquor
Sam: Man, I'm so tired of going to the same old pub every Friday
Patrick: Well why don't we hit up multiple places this time!
Sam: and how will we do that?
Patrick: By going diking of course!
by TreeStalker September 28, 2019
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The sexiest Nigerian man you'll ever lay your lonely eyes on. This the hardest working dude you'll ever meet. If you have the privilege of breathing the same air as a Dike, you no longer need to wake up in the mornings because at that moment, you can consider your life complete. A Dike is someone who is incredibly talented, compassionate, and intelligent. Dikes are often the ones who got away... so don't fuck it up.
Boy: "The internet says 'dike' is a long wall built to prevent flooding..."
Other Boy: "No, you uncultured swine. It's 'Dike', pronounced, 'D.K.' and he is fine as hell. A Dike would never with you. God, go read a book."
by bugatti227 November 23, 2021
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I couldn't fall asleep so I decided to go diking."
by heythereholly October 22, 2012
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