
one who enjoys both the physical and social aspects of having a girl-friend...
by siphon April 4, 2003
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"Damn, you was diking an didn't tell me!? We coulda hadda five-some!"
by SexxiLexxi May 24, 2006
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A slang term for a pair of diagonal side cutters.
Electrician: I can't find my dikes anywhere, but I found my strippers.
by electrician971 March 6, 2011
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Dukie or a turd. Can also be known as a wet fart.
That dude had sum dikely breathe
by Mike Go January 14, 2009
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"That Sarah girl, she's a dike init?"
by weaponised_autism February 6, 2020
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shortened way to say 'dick head' great if you don't pronounce your h's.
ur such a diked mert!!!!
by Jennifer kk June 15, 2008
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Ali and Molly diked up all the girls at the bar, the guys had no chance.
by sbarberizzly March 31, 2010
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