Dude I must have had way to much to drink lastnight. When I woke up I was curdling with your wife! All 300 lbs of her.
by groesch November 8, 2012
The act of manually stimulating a man so rapidly that he ejaculates while still flaccid. The stimulator then backhands the receiver, leaving a mustache of semen—“Curdled!”
by Curdler August 31, 2010
A feeling you get when you are really disgusted by something/someone and you feel sick ,your fingers start curling up in a weird way and you shudder a bit....can be interpreted in different ways if you want, tis a versatile and flexible feeling use it how you want, this is how I use it.
by Shlingshling February 13, 2018
The jelly roll that hangs over a females vaginal parts that you have to move to locate the females parts.
by Neff Apoundis May 21, 2015
When a girl is on the verge of having cottage cheese thighs. This condition typically develops in the early 20's due to college drinking and a lack of exercice because she has "always been skinny."
by Nimrod Wildfire September 24, 2011
"The great melting pot of sex"
Mixing and inserting semen from condoms of past lovers into the vagina with the intent to impregnate oneself without knowledge of who the father will be
Mixing and inserting semen from condoms of past lovers into the vagina with the intent to impregnate oneself without knowledge of who the father will be
by your dead great-grandmother May 16, 2019
An evolution of the verb, "cuddle" and the verb, "curl" as in "to curl up" combined to refer to cuddling and curling up with a significant other.
by Melissa Malick August 9, 2004